Professore Associato
ICAR/10 – Architettura tecnica
Discipline di insegnamento
Architettura Tecnica
Attività di ricerca
– Ribuild Ricerca finanziata dall’UE nell’ambito Horizon 2020
– NewTrends Ricerca finanziata dall’UE nell’ambito Horizon 2020
– Shell TAV Ricerca finanziata dal MIUR nell’ambito del bando CLUSTER
Pubblicazioni recenti
Graziani, Lorenzo, Enrico Quagliarini, and Marco D’Orazio. 2016. “TiO 2-Treated Different Fired Brick Surfaces for Biofouling Prevention: Experimental and Modelling Results.” Ceramics International 42 (3). Elsevier: 4002–10.
D’Orazio, Marco, Gabriele Bernardini, Silvia Tacconi, Valentina Arteconi, and Enrico Quagliarini. 2016. “Fire Safety in Italian-Style Historical Theatres: How Photoluminescent Wayfinding Can Improve Occupants’ Evacuation with No Architecture Modifications.” Journal of Cultural Heritage. Elsevier Masson.
Bernardini, Gabriele, Enrico Quagliarini, and Marco D’Orazio. 2016. “Towards Creating a Combined Database for Earthquake Pedestrians’ Evacuation Models.” Safety Science 82. Elsevier Publishing: 77–94.
Di Giuseppe, Elisa, and Marco D’Orazio. 2015. “Assessment of the Effectiveness of Cool and Green Roofs for the Mitigation of the Heat Island Effect and for the Improvement of Thermal Comfort in Nearly Zero Energy Building.” Architectural Science Review 58 (2): 134–43. doi:10.1080/00038628.2014.966050.
Marco D’Orazio, Sauro Longhi, Gabriele Bernardini, Paolo Olivetti (2015), Design and experimental evaluation of an interactive system for pre-movement time reduction in case of fire. Automation in construction DOI:
Alessandro Carbonari, Marco D’Orazio, Berardo Naticchia (2015), Innovative evaporative cooling walls. pp.215-240. In Eco-efficient Materials for Mitigating Building Cooling Needs – ISBN:978-1-78242-380-5
Lorenzo Graziani, Marco D’Orazio (2015), Biofouling Prevention of Ancient Brick Surfaces by TiO2-Based Nano-Coatings. pp. 357-365 Coatings, vol. 5 (3), doi: HYPERLINK “” 10.3390/coatings5030357
Elisa Di Giuseppe; Marco D’Orazio (2014), Assessment of the effectiveness of cool and green roofs for the mitigation of the Heat Island effect and for the improvement of thermal comfort in Nearly Zero Energy Building. In ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE REVIEW – ISSN:0003-8628
M. D’Orazio, C. D. Perna; E. Di Giuseppe (2014). Experimental operating cell temperature assessment of BIPV with different installation configurations on roofs under Mediterranean climate. DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2014.02.009. pp.378-396. In RENEWABLE ENERGY – ISSN:0960-1481 vol. 68
M. D’Orazio;C. D. Perna;E. D. Giuseppe (2014). A field study of thermal inertia of roofs and its influence on indoor comfort. DOI:10.1177/1744259113480134. pp.50-65. In JOURNAL OF BUILDING PHYSICS – ISSN:1744-2591 vol. 38
E. Di Giuseppe; M. D’Orazio (2014), Moisture Buffering “Active” Devices for Indoor Humidity Control: Preliminary Experimental Evaluations. pp.42-51. In ENERGY PROCEDIA – ISSN:1876-6102 vol. 62
Marco D’Orazio, Enrico Quagliarini, Gabriele Bernardini, Luca Spalazzi (2014), EPES – Earthquake Pedestrians’ Evacuation Simulator: a tool for predicting earthquake pedestrians’ evacuation in urban outdoor scenarios, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Available online 24 August 2014, ISSN 2212-4209,
Lorenzo Graziani, Enrico Quagliarini, Andrea Osimani, Lucia Aquilanti, Francesca Clementi, Marco D’Orazio (2014), The influence of clay brick substratum on the inhibitory efficiency of TiO2 nanocoating against biofouling, Building and Environment, Available online 16 August 2014, ISSN 0360-1323,
Marco D’Orazio, Gianluca Cursio, Lorenzo Graziani, Lucia Aquilanti, Andrea Osimani, Francesca Clementi, Claude Yéprémian, Vincenzo Lariccia, Salvatore Amoroso (2014), Effects of water absorption and surface roughness on the bioreceptivity of ETICS compared to clay bricks, Building and Environment, Volume 77, July 2014, Pages 20-28, ISSN 0360-1323,
Lorenzo Graziani, Marcin Kneć, Tomasz Sadowski, Marco D’Orazio, Stefano Lenci (2014), Measurement of R-curve in clay brick blocks using optical measuring technique, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volumes 121–122, May 2014, Pages 1-10, ISSN 0013-7944,
L. Graziani, E. Quagliarini, F. Bondioli, M. D’Orazio (2014). Durability of self-cleaning TiO2 coatings on fired clay brick facades: Effects of UV exposure and wet & dry cycles. BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT (ISSN:0360-1323) p. 193 – 203 Vol. 71,
M. D’Orazio,C. D. Perna,E. D. Giuseppe (2014). Experimental operating cell temperature assessment of \BIPV\ with different installation configurations on roofs under Mediterranean climate. RENEWABLE ENERGY (ISSN:0960-1481) p. 378 – 396 Vol. 68,
Gabriele Bernardini, Marco D’Orazio, Enrico Quagiarini, Luca Spalazzi (2014) An agent-based model for earthquake pedestrians’ evacuation simulation in urban scenarios, Trasportation Research procedia 2, Pag. 255-263, ISSN 2352-1465-
M. D’Orazio,S. Lenci,L. Graziani (2014). Relationship between fracture toughness and porosity of clay brick panels used in ventilated facades: Initial investigation. ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS (ISSN:0013-7944) p. 108 – 121 Vol. 116,
D’Orazio M., Bernardini G. (2014). An experimental study on the correlation between “attachment to belongings” and “pre-movement time”. In: Weidmann, Ulrich, Kirsch, Uwe, Schreckenberg, Michael, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012.
M. D’Orazio, L. Spalazzi, E. Quagliarini, G. Bernardini (2014). Agent-based model for earthquake pedestrians evacuation in urban outdoor scenarios: Behavioural patterns definition and evacuation paths choice. SAFETY SCIENCE (ISSN:0925-7535) p. 450 – 465 Vol. 62,
D’Orazio, Marco; Spalazzi, Luca; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Evacuation of Care Homes and Hospitals for Elderly and People with Disabilities in Motion, Ambient Assisted Living: Italian Forum 2013,,,197-204,2014,Springer International Publishing
Marco D’Orazio, Placido Munafo’ (2013). A Methodology for the Evaluation of the Hygrometric and Mechanical Properties of Consolidated Stones. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE (ISSN:1558-3058) p. 130724065440000 –
F. Olivieri,C. D. Perna,M. D’Orazio, L. Olivieri, J. Neila (2013). Experimental measurements and numerical model for the summer performance assessment of extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean coastal climate. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS (ISSN:0378-7788) p. 1 – 14 Vol. 63,
M. D’Orazio,C. D. Perna,E. D. Giuseppe (2013). A field study of thermal inertia of roofs and its influence on indoor comfort. JOURNAL OF BUILDING PHYSICS (ISSN:1744-2591) p. 1744259113480134 –
M. D’Orazio,C. D. Perna,E. D. Giuseppe (2013). Performance Assessment of Different Roof Integrated Photovoltaic Modules under Mediterranean Climate. ENERGY PROCEDIA (ISSN:1876-6102) p. 183 – 192 Vol. 42,
Lorenzo Graziani, Enrico Quagliarini, Andrea Osimani, Lucia Aquilanti, Francesca Clementi, Vincenzo Lariccia, Salvatore Amoroso, Marco D’Orazio (2013). Evaluation of inhibitory effect of TiO2 nanocoatings against microalgal growth on clay brick facades under weak UV exposure conditions. BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT (ISSN:0360-1323) p. 38 – 45 Vol. 64,
D’Orazio M. (2012). Materials prone to mould growth. In: F Pacheco-Torgal, S Jalali and A Fucic,, Toxicity of building materials. LONDON N2, ENGLAND, ADCOTEC LTD, 246 CREIGHTON AVE, EAST Woodhead Publishing:Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge CB1 6AH United Kingdom:011 44 1223 891358, Fax: 011 44 1223 893694, Cambridge p. 334 – 350
M. D’Orazio, C. Di Perna, E. Di Giuseppe (2012). Green roof yearly performance: A case study in a highly insulated building under temperate climate. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS (ISSN:0378-7788)
D’Orazio M, Di Giuseppe E, Di Perna C, Morodo M (2012). Thermal performance of an insulated roof with reflective insulation: Field tests under hot climatic conditions. JOURNAL OF BUILDING PHYSICS (ISSN:1744-2591) p. 1 – 18
M.D’Orazio, S.Lenci, L.Graziani (2012). Relationship between fracture toughness and porosity of brick blocks. C+CA (ISSN:1970-0393) p. 17 – 25 Vol. 1/2012,
DI PERNA C; F. STAZI; URSINI CASALENA A; D’ORAZIO M (2011). Influence of the internal inertia of the building envelope on summertime comfort in buildings with high internal heat loads. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS (ISSN:0378-7788) p. 200 – 206 Vol. 43,
D’Orazio M., Cerolini S., Stazi A. (2011). Moisture buffering capacity of buffering materials. In: Castillo J.M., Relative humidity. Sensors, management and environmental effects. Nova, New York p. 217 – 226
Interessi scientifici
Conduce attività di ricerca sul tema delle prestazioni ambientali e di sicurezza offerte da componenti edilizi mediante attività di tipo analitico-sperimentale e sviluppo di modellistica. Su tali temi ha realizzato ca. 200 pubblicazioni.
Riferimenti di contatto
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